Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #1)

Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #1)Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual rating: 4.5 stars

I've had Stormdancer sitting on my shelf for quite a while. I glanced at it once in a while, but I always chose some other book to read. Why? I have no idea, because I loved Stormdancer.

The beginning of the book was the hardest part for me, because it felt a bit slow. You're thrown into this world with little explanation. There is a glossary, but I noticed that after I finished, because I have an e-version of the book. So that wasn't really helpul for me, but I'm sure it has helped others a lot. I only wish I'd noticed it right away... But oh, well.

After this first part the action begins. And boy, did I like it! Buruu the griffin was without a doubt the best part of this book. I loved him. I loved him SO HARD. When he and Yukiko first meet, he thinks like a beast, really. He hardly understands human emotions and is all bloodlust. (And did I love it. Especially the STAND ASIDE, I WILL GUT HIM.) HILARIOUS. But as the book progresses, he thinks more coherently and understands humans better.

I did love Yukiko too. She is just pretty badass. What more can I say?

I loved the writing *most* of the time. It usually was very pretty, but at times the book felt a little slow because of all the descriptions. But when there weren't too much descriptions, I loved it. A few quotes I really like:

To be a servant can be a noble thing, but only as noble as the master served.

This is how the rain becomes a flood. One drop at a time.

And that ending! It was so sad and so powerful and so WHOA. Don't you stomp on my heart again, Kristoff! Please do. It makes the book that much more powerful.

In short, where kan I get an ARC of Kinslayer?

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