Top Ten Book Turnoffs
Prepare yourselves for a rant... Well, I think it's going to be ranty, since these are the things that irk me the most ( I actually want to write discussion posts about most of these!).
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
1. Instant love
Insta-love. One of my most-hated things in books! I want my books to be realistic, and insta-love is like the antonym of realistic. I just don't believe it when characters go all..
She: *eyes boy* My, he's hot.
He: Hey there, pretty. Wanna make out?
She: OMG, I luuurve you! Marry me!
He: I luurve you too! I would die without you!
Which brings me to my next point!
2. Booooooooring
A book needs to grab my attention and then HOLD IT. How do you expect me to finish a book in which nothing happens? I'm sorry, but I've got more important things to do than force myself to read a book that will make me sleep.
3. I'm sexy and I know it
Okay, this is actually 3.1 and 3.2.
3.1: The love interest is soo hot. His eyes are like, electric blue. Or green. Or gold. Please, give me a break. Once again with the realism. Not every boy is hot, and I don't want the heroine to like a boy because he is hot. I'd much rather see the MC end up with someone ugly but sweet.
3.2: The love interest is all too aware of his hotness and thinks it excuses anything. If you're ugly and you watch someone sleep it's stalking, if you're hot it's romantic. If you're ugly and you kiss a girl without her wanting you to, you're a jerk. If you're hot and you do that, the girl will probably be grateful. <- I don't want the love interest to think like that. I don't want him to be a player and a jerk and see EXCUSES for it just because he's hot. Ugh, no. Get away from me.
4. Poor grammar
Okay, I'm probably going to make a spelling error somewhere in this post because that would be highly ironic, but this IS a major turn-off for me. I just can't stand it when I'm reading a book and all is peaceful and SUDDENLY THERE IT IS IT'S LIKE THERE'S A SPOTLIGHT AND ALL I CAN SEE IS THE SPELLING ERROR. (Sorry for the all caps, but it was definitely needed.) It's true!
5. The love triangle of doom
The love triagle is a very hard thing to get right, and it's even harder to make me enjoy it. Unfortunately, 95% of the love triangles/quadrangles (it exists D: ) go like this:
Boy 1: Yo, I'm extremely hot AND a jerk. All the girls want me.
Boy 2: Hey, I'm a sissy, but hot too. I'm also extremely boring.
Girl: Oh my, I can't choose! We all know I end up with Boy 2 but for now I am very attracted to Boy 1. My life is so hard.
Me: Kill me now.
(Can you tell I'm in a conversational mood?)
There's only one love triangle I can think of that I enjoyed, and it's in Unearthly. That's it. One.
6. "Swear" words
I don't mind swear words at all. In fact, I use them quite frequently myself, so I think it's only realistic if the teens I read about do so too. Most of them do, but others make up their own swear words. I loathe that, because it usually sounds stupid. Like Zoey (House of Night) saying "bull poopie" instead of "bull shit". Every time she used that, I just wanted to strangle her. Just... please. No.
7. The always absent parents
Don't you think it's so convenient that the parents are always absent so our lovely MC can do whatever she likes? That she can sneak out without getting caught and do all kinds of weird things (hooking up with a vampire or something like that)? I do too. Again, I ask for a little bit of realism. Seriously, if I tried something like that, I think my mom would know before even I did.
8. Clichés/ Stereotypes
Aren't we all tired of the cheerleading mean girl, the boyfriend-stealing slut and the overly nerdy nerds? Another thing I like in books is originality. Which brings me to...
9. Plagiarism/ being very similar to antoher book
I can't stand reading books that remind me of other books. I will constantly compare them in my mind, and it usually isn't in the favor of the 'second' book (that I read later/came out later). It also drives me crazy. If we're talking about actual plagiarism it isn't even so much that I get tired of comparing the two books, but that it's just plain wrong.
10. Slut shaming
A girl is not a slut simply because she sleeps with her boyfriend. Nor is a girl a slut when she likes your crush. Suggesting that she is is a huge turn-off and a disgrace to women in general.
What are your book turn-offs? Do you agree or completely disagree with one of my points? Let me know!
ReplyDelete2. Boring is the worst one, and I totally forgot to include it. At least if it makes me rage, I'm probably not drifting off to sleep.
3. Yup. Nice caveat with the AWARE of hotness and using it as an excuse for dickery. NOPE.
5. Boy 1 & 2: What's a personality when you've got muscles? *flexes* *makes out with mirror self*
6. BULL POOPIE. *sets book on fire* Parks & Rec did this last night with "Peepee heads". Come on, Leslie, let 'er rip.
9. Sometimes the similarities are accidental, or I'm reading the book published first second, but it still impacts enjoyment, sadly.
1. It's the worst!
Delete2. That's completely true. I can sleep in on my own just fine, thanks. Don't need a book for that.
5. Bahahaha!
6. I KNOW. It was awful. Also, "peepee heads?" LOL.
9. That's true, it does happen sometimes. Unfortunately, I can't help comparing the two in my mind and the one that came first for me will almost always be the winner.