Monday, 16 December 2013

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I've Read In 2013


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

* This list isn't in order of preference. (It's basically in order of THAT AUTHOR. Oh, I mustn't forget that OTHER author. *looks at GR* HOW COULD I FORGET THAT AUTHOR!? *flings on list*) Just so you know.

1. Kasie West

It was in 2013 that I discovered and read Pivot Point and damn. It's one of my favorite books and I simply can't contain my gushing <3 Then I read The Distance Between Us and that was ALSO amzingly good! Hello, new favorite author.

2. Jessi Kirby

I have only read Golden, but that should be enough to convince anyone. While I didn't think it was absolutely flawless, it was such a beautiful and inspiring read. I need to read more Jessi Kirby books, but my to-read pile is pretty huge...

3. Marissa Meyer

I think Cinder was actually my first read of the year! It's definitely one of the most fun books I've ever read. I haven't read Scarlet yet, but fully intend to (hopefully it'll be a present underneath the Christmas tree). Meyer did some really original things and everything was just amazing and cute and ahhh! 

4. Jodi Lynn Anderson

Two words: Tiger Lily. 
Three more words: READ IT NOW.

5. Lauren Oliver

Beautiful writing style, beautiful books. Before I Fall is one of my favorite books. It's so beautiful and I absolutely love it. 

6. Veronica Rossi

I binge read her trilogy (thanks to the read-along Finding Bliss in Books hosted) and it was awesome! I had actually read the first book earlier this year but couldn't really remember much. Well, this is an awesome trilogy. The books keep getting better and better. Yes, I'm waiting impatiently until Rossi writes another book. 

7. Alison Goodman

While I though Eon was good, Eona was absolutely AMAZING! Yes, it totally deserves caps lock. Eona was just perfect. Oh yes, I went there. Just. Whoa.

8. David Levithan

I only read one book of his - Two Boys Kissing - and that was more than enough to convince me. His prose. His effing prose, you guys. And the beauty of the novel. The effing beauty ;_;

9. Sarah J. Maas

Crown of Midnight killed me.

10. Christin Terrill

I really loved All Our Yesterdays. That ending was amazing and action-y and whoa. And oh yeah, FINN. Finn, you guys, Finn.


  1. What an amazing list :-) I love many of the authors you've mentioned! I meant to add Kasie West to my list.

  2. Kasie West! I still need to read DISTANCE! Also excited for SPLIT SECOND! Marissa Meyer, whoot! Are you joining her read-a-thon? I'll be hosting A Week of Rapunzel Feb 2-8 to celebrate the release of CRESS! I hope you join me :) TIGER LILY, yeeees! Can't wait for Jodi's new book next year! I really like Lauren Oliver's writing style! I just saw Macmillan's Spring catalog, and MY LAST KISS by Beth Neal sounds like it will be great for BEFORE I FALL fans! Looking fw to it! I've waited to read Veronica Rossi until the whole trilogy is out. New to me in 2014! OMg, yes, I LOVE Alison Goodman! Sarah J. Maas, too!!! Great selection!

    1. Well, you should get on reading Dustance soon then, haha. It's lovely! And yeees, Split Second! Can't wait :D

      Jodi's new book? Why didn't I hear of this?? Thank you!


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